Long Island Biological Dental Treatments

We invite you to read about the difference in going to a Biological Dentist. Please call our St. James office if you have any questions or would like to make an appointment at Office of North Country Smiles Phone Number 631-265-5549. You may also use our online Appointment Request form.

Our office is Mercury Free

We take many precautions when removing old failing silver amalgam tooth fillings. Rubber Dam isolators are used in this process, as well as High Volume Suctions and copious amounts of water. Our patients are draped head to toe in the event that any residual filling material should make it past these safe guards.

During treatment, patients are breathing 100% pure oxygen through a sealed nose mask. Our composite dental fillings are BPA free. These materials are placed biomimetically to ensure long-lasting and safe tooth restoration.

Minimally Invasive Dentistry

Dr. Laudati carefully removes the decayed or “cavity” portions of the tooth while leaving the healthy tooth structure intact. Preserving healthy tooth structure is our goal at North Country Smiles.

Contact Form for Dr. Laudati

The first step towards a beautiful, healthy smile is to schedule an appointment. If you would like to schedule an appointment, or have a question about our services, please contact our office by phone or complete the contact form below. If you request to schedule an appointment, our scheduling coordinator will contact you to confirm your appointment. Note: This form should not be used to communicate private health information.

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